About Me

Hi guys! My name is Taylor Zakhem. This blog is all about my photography and all things that involve a camera. I'm glued to my camera and I love to take pictures of everything. I like to think of it as taking a memory and turning it into a life time. I mean a picture is worth a thousand words those thousand words are endless when it comes the creativity you can do with a camera.

Right now, I am currently studying at the Art Institute of Colorado. Now most of you are probably thinking I'm going to school for photography, well actually I'm not. I'm getting a bachelors degree in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. Basically, I'm going to make movies for a living (or something to that fact).

So why photography blog and not a film blog?
Well, I have had a camera since I was little. I was always taking pictures and sharing them with everyone and I loved looking at old photos of my parents. I got a real camera when I started high school. At first, I wanted to start a YouTube channel, but that never really worked out for me and I was always so awkward in front of a camera. My friends and I started trying to take pictures of each other one day and I came along to love being behind the camera. I honestly could see things better, things made more sense. I just got better and better as time when along and practiced more.
I am still learning on my camera and how everything works but I'm getting the hang of it. Practice makes perfect.

I can't wait to talk and blog about movies, my photography and more! Also, I can't wait to hear from you guys!!